Saturday, September 7, 2013

My Cloud Party Avatar Screenshots - Deserted Island Adventure

Underwater....air is overrated anyways

Staring down the sun on the deserted island
Flying over the deserted island...discovered it island...

Attempted to escape deserted island via winged flight
Gave up on escape attempt, decided to play Tetris instead

Hello My Name is Matt (or Strub)

Hello everyone!

My name is Matthew Blinstrub but I go by the name Strub when amongst friends or in video games so I feel it fitting to use my alias/nickname for this class.

About Me:
27 Years of Age
Co-owner of a Boston based towing company.
Student at Boston College Since 2004, Expiring in 2013
Business Management/English/ and Corporate Systems major with a specialization in Creative Writing.

Intellectual debates over a cup of tea with my girlfriend's cat Sinatra (pictured above)
My Beautiful Girlfriend (added under threat of injury)
Friends and Family
Video games
The Beach
Dabbling in Computer Programming

Ideal Day:
My ideal day would be walking down the beach in the snow with my friends and girlfriend while watching hockey, drinking beer and playing video games at the same time. The cat can come too.